Published Creative Writing: A Fish & a Figure

A revisit to a childhood dream – a toy comes alive and the subconscious is still.

This sample is an example of a published fictional work. The skills employed in this piece are narrative expression using surreal-like descriptions. It featured in the 2014 edition of Fine Print, now named Vox, the literary magazine at Elizabethtown College. 

The layout of the apartment is that of a block ‘S’ in a game of Tetris. The walls are white and hurriedly painted. The carpet is as blue as the Caribbean Sea and the dolls and giant Lego blocks float upon the threads. From the front hall, the view pans a right, into the soft peach and salmon pink bathroom. The faucet is wet and spotted with water and Crest for Kids toothpaste.

A lone toothbrush sits on the toilet cover, while an empty tub leaves the presences of a very soapy person. Around three feet tall, she uses her tiny hands to pull back the translucent shower curtains farther back. The single incandescent light bulb, shines over everything in the room. As she uses her hands to pick up the toys around the side of the tub, she looks around for the blue fish she always liked to swim with in the Johnson & Johnson’s infused water. A strange feeling comes over her, as she looks up at the pink linoleum wall and sees the blue fish emerging slowly out of the wall. It swims right through the air, as if it suddenly thickened with the molasses she dreamed of eating while her mother isn’t looking.

The fish continues to make its rounds around the whole apartment. It weaves through the living room, through the toys, the tricycle and the wagon that lay below. It makes its way to the bedroom door and swims right through it. She follows, and opens the door only to find the fish hovering over her sleigh bed. She stands underneath it and looks up.

In the fish’s place was a dark shadow – no face, no indication that it was anything of this world. Then again, there was a fish swimming around her apartment. The shadowy black figure looks deep into the little girl’s bewildered and large brown eyes and draws out a long finger. The prickly and bony finger somehow finds its way to her nose and pushes her back.

Instead of falling into the sea of carpet, she finds herself hovering over her parent’s bed. The light of the morning sun peering through the bars attached to the windows. The windows leave room for another ray light to cast over her eyes. She turns and faces towards the white ceiling, slowly floating back down, as light as her own dolls, into the threads and lavender-scented sheets. After making sure her body is firmly non-levitating, she carries her feet out the bedroom, hopping over the dolls, nearly tripping over the wagon, and finally towards the bathroom. The blue fish sits calmly at the top of the bucket of bath toys, as if it never swam, nor looked at her with unknown purpose.

The shadowy figure follows her only in the light, sans a bony figure.

Just Got Paid & I’m Hungry: Meatless on a Budget

So you’re at the store, the deposit went through and that stomach is growling.

Let’s just rewind and see where we went wrong with this fantasy. My number one tip for any “BROKE ‘BODY” is to NEVER shop while hungry. You end spending more than what you’ve budgeted for, and cravings pass on (believe it or not). The latter gives way to many wasted items and funds.

Let’s imagine ourselves full and frugal, got it?

My general shopping list when it comes to food items, are things you can pair up with anything else and have it last for a good week as leftovers. Let’s prepare a list assuming you already have enough of the “essentials” (seasonings, herbs etc.)

My Shopping List
Pasta (any kind – try whole wheat if you’re feeling healthy)
Meatless meat – Brands like Gardein and MorningStar are more common in my area, but try to go for the bags of meat crumbles rather than single items. These aren’t cheap!
Seafood – because I don’t eat meat, seafood is nice replacement and if you’re smart about it, it can’t set you back and you can end up saving a bit. I tend to go for shrimp, talapia and if I’m able to spring, salmon.
Veggies – try to go for filling items (think starch and bright colors)…I’ve seen bags of steamed yams, potatoes, carrots & broccoli combos. These can last a while and taste better than frozen (in my humble opinion). Spinach is also a great saute item and as is for a salad snack. Celery can be added to anything or just eaten alone.
Soup!! A can or box of this is probably the staple of my entire dorm/campus life. If you’re trying to go out of your comfort zone in terms of tomato or lentils, try other lines. Other than the usual Progresso can, I’ve been getting into Pacific Soups. The Roasted Red Pepper & Tomato is pretty awesome, I must say if you want to feel fancy for two days.
If you’re trying to be creative, you can also thrown some stock in the cart as we have veggies and meat substitutes on the list. May it be vegetable or fish-based, these generally last about a week. For the cheap route, Swanson’s are pretty reasonable and simple in terms of ingredients and pricing.
Sweetener/Sugar alternative, such as honey or Blue Agave
Olive & Vegetable Oil
Minute Rice & a big bag of Brown Rice – You’re better off getting the big bag of rice (you’re broke remember) or capping the minute stuff at maybe 6 or 10 pouches. The latter is easier to prepare, however Uncle Ben’s does have a great option for those looking to crunch time – these bagged rice which can be part of two servings for a quick dinner.
Tomato on the Vine – these are a bit pricey but you’ll find yourself using these more often when you taste them! For cheaper but better results (in due time), get your own vine.
A large onion
Trail Mix , and or Fruit Bars or cups of any kind
Eggs – You need your protein remember?
Fruit – apples, oranges, grapefruit

An estimate of these items (if you stick to store brand versions for a few items), can be about a total of $30 to $47 US dollars. Oh and while you’re at it get yourself a store membership card to take advantage of sales. Coupons are never just a mom thing either…

Struggling to Salivate: The Bare Cupboard for a sole “meatless”

I want to start off by writing, just because you’ve decided to stop devouring meat, your kitchen doesn’t (or shouldn’t) have to look like:

empty cupboard
Don’t ransack before you’ve thought carefully. Or let anyone do this. Ever.

As we continue down this revelation, you may begin to encounter this conversation flow, once the news of your betrayal for barnyard friends as food, is revealed:

“So are you all set up to go to the luncheon? I hear the food is going to be really good!”

“I bet it will! All that money ready to stretch their bands in expectation? Of course the food will be good! What’s the menu again?”

“I heard it’s some kind of pasta-“

“OOh! Pasta! Okay and what else?”

“Yeah pasta, some Cesar salad and glazed chicken.


Taken by Ivan Lanin on Flickr –

You see the small child to the right of the photo? Yeah that’s me in this sort of moment. I’m upset, disappointed and annoyed.

What about ME?! US?! I beg of you, please don’t ever turn down an opportunity to eat anything. Let’s hope the hypothetical dream killer allows a choice to be made before throwing the fork out of your tiny hands, and throwing that lovely general store napkin on the floor?

Once you begin to get used to your new lifestyle, it will be easier to do any of the following; obsessing or ditching. You’ll either get obsessed with the new fad for the conscious eater in various organic groceries, or the same meal 24/7. On the positive, you may also find it easier to be more resistant to reject certain items in your diet like kale just because it tastes funny (no really, I’ve tried).

Monotony doesn’t have to be in your veggie future. Remember what I wrote when I mentioned actually telling your family that you decided to be difficult? This is why; if you have any family member that is

  1. Understanding
  2. Can cook as though their life depended on it.

Then get to the doe-eyed sulk and start rubbing your eyes and stomach to prepare.

Cooking is a skill you need to acquire through watching said family member, or a stranger. There are many alternatives such as soy, eggs, fish/seafood, various beans and vegetables, and quinoa (yes that’s a word) to be the base for your delusions. Actually knowing what to do with any of the stuff, is the next step, and something I, and every meatless had to learn for themselves. Either when the units were away. Or when you’re on a campus that does not have very great vending options.

When I got to college, and I didn’t have a personal anything just yet, I had to get creative with the options in our cafeteria.

They had salad, pasta, sandwich (grill or deli style), soup, pizza, fries, and the main course.

Plenty is good for your body, but not for any cigar rasps. You should quit.

I got into salads, spinach especially, because you need it, and it is life. Omelettes whenever they were available, and maybe a tuna-sandwich or egg, if the omelette wasn’t an option. Then you eat as much as you want, and drink as much of the ‘good stuff’ as you want (pure juice, milk, or even better, H2O). What can I say, you’ll be hungry at this point. 

It was the eating-in-the-dorm room part, that proved a bit difficult. What if I was still hungry or missed the time for immediate bloating? This is when you begin to get resourceful at the market. You see those bunches of soup cans, minute rice pouches, or potatoes, and oh my goodness fresh vegetables?! Grab them and use them! Use all the coupons, if you don’t want to worry about greedy grubbers stealing your fresh stuff, grab a fridge or get to nonperishable as a start.

Don’t forget some creativity! You don’t have to eat the same thing every single day. Colors are great on your plate, and so is anything under 30 minutes.

I’ll write about the quick ways in the next post so hang in there and get to mooching learning.

Start with these posts from The Veggie Table a giant encyclopedia of life and various recipes. 

Ditching the Chicken, Cow and their Friends

When I first decided to stop eating meat, I was nearing the end of my senior year in high school. A link to various images regarding the various types of mystery meat on the market (digitally altered perhaps) and the odd feeling of last night’s dinner weighed on my stomach and my face. The latter in which Proactiv and others tried to help.

Trying to be conscious of my health, and prove a point to my family (and maybe myself), I decided I’d stop eating meat.

You would have thought I had announced to my very Bajan/West Indian family, that I was mistaken about where I was, or how many days there were in a year.

See, meat & seafood are pretty much a base in a Caribbean diet aside from rice and peas. And if, for some reason, one decides to nix half of it, you still have the other.

Right? That’s what my mother wanted to know; what the hell was I going to eat? What doctor did I need to see? The vitamins, the weight marks – it was a sudden anxiety tunnel she drove me into.

But no matter! I was going to do it regardless. Until ‘that day.’


See, ‘that day‘ happened when I least expected it to. That’s how the Devil works, or so the elders say. I earned about eight dollars an hour doing the bare minimum of secretarial/Porter (correction, portress!) work for non-cloistered nuns on the weekends. I had a laptop, some snacks and complex convent to roam around when I needed to claim the word ‘fitness.’ Near the end of my shift, my ride wasn’t exactly on time, and the nuns were just about to serve themselves some humble food.

Would you like to have some dear?” How on earth could I refuse a giving soul? And turning down free food was sinful, so I meekly accepted, trying not to let the saliva reveal itself.


As I walked up the stairs, past the grandfather clock and the Virgin Mary, the nuns had a pretty big spread. Before I knew it I was laughing, digesting, and consuming, before the doorbell chimed.

Like a lady, I swallowed my gluttony and bid the nuns farewell until the next shift, and walked down the stairs. I saw the stained glass on the wall, and Mary bowing on the table, when I nearly collapsed like an actress in a telenova; I ATE THE CHICKEN.

Sure it was dry, stringy and needed water to go down, but I ATE THE FREAKING CHICKEN! What the hell?! The two weeks I salivated and starved. Opened the cupboard doors in disappointment and frustration. Dealt with harrowing headaches and a singing stomach, only to be tempted by the new evil that was MEAT!

I tried not to let the tears give way until I got to the car, and then I set them free. After wallowing in disappointment and self-loathing, my family members softly tried to tell me that I didn’t lose my badge or was less of a vegetarian because I slipped. What did they know? Well, I Googled it later, and saw that others said the same. So what the hell did I know?

All I knew is, was that unless I had full support and cash available to properly substitute this ‘no meat’ thing, it wasn’t going to be easy or last. When I calmed down and spoke to my mother about my decision, she slowly nodded and said “you can do it.”

I knew I could. I also knew that a nice plate of fish and rice would be nice to have right about then.

So, what have we learned for vegetarianism 101? Don’t cry over dry chicken or whatever meat type you ate when your first start out. You will slip up. If you’re serious about your new diet, have faith and let everyone know you haven’t lost your mind, but you’re trying something out for size. Also a strong stomach and good meals are a must! The first in case you do slip up, and the second if you want to swear off the stuff another time.

Humorous Short Story: “Well I’ll Be (Damned)”

This piece showcases the elements of character, dialogue and voice within a short story.

As soon as you stepped outside, you could feel the Earth exhale upon your face. The ground sighed into the air; it hovered slowly. The lightning bugs peppered throughout each droplet. This was a summer night occurrence that I will always hold near to me. A bug near my nose, nearly flew toward my brain as I stepped onto the sidewalk from the apartment staircase. My front door closed quietly in the distance. It was a long day at work, and I was getting ready to leave for a party. The sweat from my skin felt slimy beneath my clothes. It didn’t matter that I took a shower only ten minutes before entering the vapor, but I was just so nervous.

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Character & Narrative: “is.”


The car that slowed down behind her as she crossed, did not seem to care about the slow market lines, and the cargo Nihilia carried that evening. A red laundry cart, with gaping holes that exposed off the five dollar socks and assorted baseball tees from Old Navy. All of it, and more, tumbled through the five dollar laundromat, just minutes before closing.

The sky steadied into black. Boreas circled around her whole body, nipping at her lotus feet within the damp boots, and tattered scarf. He seeped into the fur-tinged hood, and trickled into Nihilia’s dark brown eyes, that struggled to stay aware of the impending curb.

Read the rest here

Flash Fiction Narrative: “A Day for Me”

By Ragina Lashley

Inspired by “Bang Bang Bang” from The Sohodolls


I didn’t think the muscle spasms could last that long. What does it matter, as I have no one waiting for me after this one. The morning sun caresses the side of face. His eyes still twinkle with shock and fear. Something I had to deal with every day when granted another morning. The shock arrives after the experiences are done, and the men finished. I am slightly bruised, but still alive.

The news anchor speaks monotonously as the dead silence permeates the air. A vast difference from the screams of the early morning…

He is yesterday’s catch; a cinnamon musk, with hairy legs, a bald spot, and a beer gut. Smoked Cuban cigars for the taste, and paid for women out of complete boredom. What he failed to understand was that as of yesterday, I had had enough. He was a regular, you could say, but also a complete pain in the ass. No care for anyone but himself. His business just last year was on the brink of bankruptcy because half of the income was going towards his indulgences. Or so he told me.

I don’t believe in a God, but maybe He would understand this sin.

I have my vices, but they only consist of neon colors and glitter dust. Even in its artificialness, it still manages to evoke a genuine smile whenever I smoothed it over my eyes. Today I smooth it on for me.

Today, I do for myself; I smile only for me.

Voice through a Short Story: “Untitled”

By Ragina Lashley


It is a Thursday afternoon when the woman rises from her deep sleep, trying to drowse away the ringing sounds of the previous night. I hear her wide mouth stretch open, sucking in the cold living room air, just as I open the front door. The yawning woman is my pathetic wife. But I don’t see her as anything else, but a woman who swims for happiness in any glass or mug she sees. There is my Mickey Mouse mug on the coffee table, the sunlight pouring little bits of dust on the rim. At approximately 6:30pm last Thursday, it was used for other brews. I can hear the sounds of children shrieking with joy.

Speaking of youth, our angst-ridden son will be turning thirteen in two weeks, and yet all he has to look forward to is a cake made from this woman upstairs, a so-called parent, and a gift bought the day of. That particular gift is from me. You see, I’m his father no doubt. I’m neither hip, nor at peak fitness. But I’m trying, I always am, to stop him from the disappointments life can bring, but it’s just so hard. My work hours are never consistent, and I get hungry late at night.

Link to full text here